
Well, what I thought would be an easy flight across the Atlantic, turned out to be a three day marathon of sorts. I arrived at Fuimicino (Rome Airport) early on Saturday morning only to learn that my seat had been cancelled due to something beyond my control. I spent the rest of Saturday trying to figure out what to do in order to get to Vancouver. Short of buying a first class ticket for $7500 for the next morning, I was fairly stranded. I spent the night in an airport Hilton and then was back in the airport by 7:00 a.m. to try to get on a flight to London, of which there were three. The first two were full, but I was booked for the third, leaving at 1:35 p.m. At noon British Air announced that the flight was running a little late, as the jet had not left London yet. By 3:30 p.m. it finally pulled in and we took off around 4:15. The only problem was that my connection in London for Vancouver was scheduled to leave at 5:10, which it did. British Air put me up in London at a very nice Marriot and told me to hang out for 2 nights until they could book me on a flight to Vancouver. If you ever have to overnight around Heathrow, I recommend this hotel--especially the Belgian waffles for the buffet breakfast.
Fortunately, a seat next to three children under the age of two was available for me on Monday night and I did arrive safely, but slightly traumatized, on Monday night in Vancouver where Viriginia, Dan and Sadie were patiently waiting. They were skeptical that I was really going to make it at all after the delays. It was better than I imagined to see them, probably because even I was starting to wonder if I'd make it back.
We took the ferry to Vancouver Island, did a quick tour of beautiful Butchart Gardens (see photo) and spent an extra night in a little hotel in Victoria. It was such fun. We parted ways yesterday when I headed north to Whistler and they returned to Lynden, Washington. I'll be chilling out here until they come up and join the other kids for a family reunion.