
Well, what I thought would be an easy flight across the Atlantic, turned out to be a three day marathon of sorts. I arrived at Fuimicino (Rome Airport) early on Saturday morning only to learn that my seat had been cancelled due to something beyond my control. I spent the rest of Saturday trying to figure out what to do in order to get to Vancouver. Short of buying a first class ticket for $7500 for the next morning, I was fairly stranded. I spent the night in an airport Hilton and then was back in the airport by 7:00 a.m. to try to get on a flight to London, of which there were three. The first two were full, but I was booked for the third, leaving at 1:35 p.m. At noon British Air announced that the flight was running a little late, as the jet had not left London yet. By 3:30 p.m. it finally pulled in and we took off around 4:15. The only problem was that my connection in London for Vancouver was scheduled to leave at 5:10, which it did. British Air put me up in London at a very nice Marriot and told me to hang out for 2 nights until they could book me on a flight to Vancouver. If you ever have to overnight around Heathrow, I recommend this hotel--especially the Belgian waffles for the buffet breakfast.
Fortunately, a seat next to three children under the age of two was available for me on Monday night and I did arrive safely, but slightly traumatized, on Monday night in Vancouver where Viriginia, Dan and Sadie were patiently waiting. They were skeptical that I was really going to make it at all after the delays. It was better than I imagined to see them, probably because even I was starting to wonder if I'd make it back.
We took the ferry to Vancouver Island, did a quick tour of beautiful Butchart Gardens (see photo) and spent an extra night in a little hotel in Victoria. It was such fun. We parted ways yesterday when I headed north to Whistler and they returned to Lynden, Washington. I'll be chilling out here until they come up and join the other kids for a family reunion.
I can relate about fortunately getting a seat next to the three children under the age of 2! Glad you made it to Vancouver - enjoy Whistler. We're anxious to get you back to Grand Haven!
Sorry about all the delays, especially in the anticipation of being reunited with family. An all-expense-paid two-night-stay in London at the Marriot sounds like a nice "buffer" for all the trouble. London is a fabulous city, minus the value of the dollar. Welcome back to the U.S.A.!
Elizabeth Elifson (Vanderveen)
Dutchy: Hi!!! When you responded the first time, I looked all over for your email address, but have nothing on you or your family, so I'm hoping you'll check out my response here to your second listing.
Great to hear from you. I know you've been doing some ESL yourself and I'd highly recommend going somewhere exotic to teach. It's a great way to see the world and get acquainted with another culture. Hope all is well with you. Give me a call when you get to Spring Lake--anytime after August 26. Best--Jane
Ruth: Thanks so much for writing. I was looking over photos last night of our "group" dinner before I left for Congo and was really touched by the fellowship. Your prayers have certainly sustained me throughout this experience. Like you anticipated, I was able to go "incognito" where no one knew me or of me or my family. It was very therapeutic. It will be interesting to see if I am still the same plain Jane when I get back. :) Love to you and the family, Jane
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