Boring? I sure hope so.
Having left you all hanging for over a month, I think I better first apologize. It has been a wonderful home coming, to say the least. It has also been the fastest month of my life, having arrived in Grand Rapids on Tuesday night, August 26 at 10:00 pm, retrieved my luggage, found my little red Honda Accord in the airport parking lot where Grace had left it that afternoon, rescued the car keys from the guard in the ticket booth, and drove home. This was, obviously, the first time I had stepped inside my house for eleven months. Once here, I was almost in euphoria. But...duty called and sleep was a must due to the start of my new job the next (now the current) day back in Grand Rapids by 9:00 am. A quick scrounging around to find something to wear that was presentable and fit. Took a sleeping pill and set the alarm. Whew! Made it through the first three days of the new job. Now we're to the weekend. I had a chance to unwind and catch up on stuff around the house and even see a few friends. It has continued to go that way, however, I'm much more protective of my time than I used to be, realizing that if I'm not, I'll pay the price.
What do I do, anyway? I'm teaching English through the LIteracy Center of West Michigan. Their office is on the 5th floor of the Ryerson Library. I am currently teaching a group of non-English speakers at LACKS. And no, they are not Hispanic. They are from Bosnia, Iraq, Iran and Ethiopia and studying a special English in the workplace English program. I hope they are enjoying it as much as I am teaching it.
So I apologize for not writing sooner. I also am sorry to not add a photo today. Getting my photographs ready for exhibition is my next project. Up till now I've been focusing on getting the house tidied up, preparing my 2007 taxes (groan!), and staying on top of the work schedule. I'm going to try to keep this blog going for those of you who want to follow the progress of my adventures. So far, it has been blessedly UNeventful here. Thank you, God.
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