International Women's Day

We haven't had power for five days out of the last seven, which is my main reason for not writing recently. I don't have any idea why it took so long for the utility company (Snel) to get it working again, but I won't ask questions as long as it stays on.
International Women's Day is not a big deal in the States, but it is here in Congo. The whole city of Kinshasa got into it this past week. There was a big parade and lots of festivities. The Protestant University (UPC) arranged for all of the women on staff to get matching outfits made by a local seamstress out of the same material. Each dress was a little different from the others. At first I was chagrined because I couldn't even zip my skirt up--it was so tight. Then Abbey showed up with hers, which seemed a little too roomy for her. We made the swap and proceeded to promenade with our Congolese sisters.
Included in the program were soccer games pitting all the faculties against the others: medical, economic, theology and law. A cookoff for traditional Congolese recipes took place today. An outdoor concert concluded the program.
In addition to the power being out, I've been busy teaching every day. I have also been hosting house guests. Bobbie and Phyllis were in the interior (Ludja) for several months and stopped in Kinshasa on their way back to Dayton, Ohio. Nothing too unusual about them except that Bobbie is an 80 year old who was trained as a pharmacist and explored creative ways to use her many gifts in Congo. After her husband died, she decided to come back on her own and see what she could do. Her friend, Phyllis, joined her and having never been to Africa before stepped out in faith and stuck it out with no power and no running water. While they were here, my power went out. I don't think they even noticed! I got word today that they are safely back in Dayton, although Phyllis missed her flight from Brussels to Newark because of only an hour layover. She would have made it, she said, except that someone died on the plane that caused the delay.
Well, I'm on my way tomorrow to CapeTown. I'll write about it when I get the chance. Thanks for tuning in. May you have a meaningful Palm Sunday and a blessed Easter.