Barber's Concerto for Violin
Before today, I hadn't even thought about listening to my ipod. It's very odd to be alone after a month of having a "pal" to keep company with. Sadly, my English teacher & friend, Carole, took off for Lubumbashi yesterday afternoon. She had a ticket stating the departure would be 6:00 p.m. Luckily, Bravo Airlines called her the day before she was supposed to leave to inform her that the flight time was changed to 1:00 pm instead. She arrived at the airport in plenty of time to learn that the 1:00 pm flight was canceled. She was told to hang around in case they turned up a plane. Fortunately, they did and she actually took off around 4:00. I just talked with her to learn that she was getting settled in her new surroundings. Barber's Concerto seemed like the right mood music for being alone this afternoon.
My new roommate, Perie, short for Peregrine, arrived last night. She's been studying in Paris for the last 2 + years, and is originally from Kansas. She'll be working with Ben to produce a drama on HIV/AIDS that they plan to have broadcast on television here. I'm on assignment from the embassy to help them. From the sound of the conversation at dinner last night, maybe I could carry their equipment? They must be all of 30 years old, if that, and have seen every movie and heard every band you could mention. They've also traveled the world over and yes, they are very nice "kids" too. Ben walked here (over an hour away) this morning to pick up Perie. They left on foot about 11:00 and I haven't seen them since. Barber is a good choice for being alone.
The hardest part about today is that as I write I am missing the baptism of Sadie Grace Houston. I'm feeling very sad to miss it, but I believe that God will bless her and in His own gracious way will shine His love into her life. Barber is a good compliment to this mixture of emotions. I am so thankful for your many messages to me. I have been here exactly one month. If the rest go as quickly as this one has, the time will go fast. Till the next time, I think of you all often with joy and fondness. Stay in touch.