Thursday, August 30, 2007

Background, Part Two

During the TESOL conference I had several more opportunities to hear from ELFs and Regional English Language Officers (RELOs). George the current RELO in Egypt spoke. A young woman from Mexico talked about her experience. Another woman gave a brief overview of what she was doing in Russia, or thereabouts. Magdalena, the administrative assistant from Georgetown University (GU), described the partnership between GU and the DOS regarding the ELF Program. Each speaker seemed to be honest about his or her role in the program. They candidly answered questions from the audience. After one session, I made it a point to introduce myself to Magdalena. She, too, encouraged me to apply to the program, even though the deadline for applications was in just 9 days.

The night of the ELF reception, I had made plans to meet my daughter, Virginia (see photo) and her husband Dan for dinner at Ivar's, a great seafood place on the wharf. They live in Lynden, north of Seattle, and had driven down to spend a couple of days with me. After an early dinner, they took off for a Mariners' game and I sauntered up the hill to the Hilton. What kind of a party would be held in a soundroom? Well, the desk clerk pointed me toward the elevator, which took me up to the top of the hotel. It wasn't until I arrived in the Sound as in Puget Sound Room, that I understood the context of its name. It had a gorgeous view. The room was filled with congenial and regular people having a good time. I finished off my fresh halibut entree with a few sweets when the gentleman I had met at the exhibitor's booth, introduced himself as David Gifford, director of the GU portion of the program. He called attention to several key people in the room, which helped me put some names with faces. I think it was at that moment that I realized I was going to apply. I had no reason not to. Nor did I have reason to hope that I would be accepted, either. More later.


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